Bejamin Barker's (Todd) daughter was named Johanna. His wife was Lucy
Keester Sweeney's birth name is Lewis Keester Sweeney.
Jane Fogg is the wife of the owner of the insane asylum
Meat Pies
Sweeney Todd is a musical thriller and a tragedy of a horribly wronged barber seeking revenge on his mortal enemy. In the play, everyone has a goal based on love: Sweeney is seeking revenge because he loves his wife and wants the judge to pay for what he's done, Mrs. Lovett wants Sweeney because she is in love with him, etc.
Because Pirelli was going to blackmail him. Adolfo Pirelli is not the character's real name. He pretends to be Italian, but his real name is Daniel O'Higgens (the actor who plays him is Sacha Baron Cohen, better known as Borat). When he was a young boy, who was still going by the name Daniel O'Higgens, he worked as Sweeney Todd's apprentice (back when Sweeney Todd was still going by the name Benjamin Barker). Pirelli/O'Higgens recognized Sweeney, and threatened to tell everyone that he was really the escaped convict, Benjamin Barker...unless Sweeney paid him, and continued to pay him, for his silence.
In a delicious pie
Answer: One must remember that Sweeney Todd returned to London illegally, and therefore could not parade around using his old name, which Judge Turpin would immediatly recognise. Sweeney Todd was just a name he chose to use while residing in London.
Sweeney had a wife, her name was Lucy Barker.
I didn't think he had one. He killed people and their meat was used by the butcher (I think?) next door.
Yes, Milton Hershey married to Catherine "Kitty" Elizabeth Sweeney in May 25, 1898
his real name is Ashley Kumar.
Birdy Sweeney's birth name is Edmund Sweeney.
Keester Sweeney's birth name is Lewis Keester Sweeney.
Calvin Sweeney's birth name is Sweeney, Calvin Eugene.
Julia Sweeney's birth name is Julia Anne Sweeney.
Thomas Sweeney's birth name is Thomas Damien Sweeney.