Matthew Lawrence
Robin Williams
Yes, there is a lot of mild language in Mrs. Doubtfire. Any swear word you can think of, and it was probably mentioned at least once in the movie. Additionally, there is a lot of sexual references, references to alcohol, and obscene hand gestures. "Mrs. Doubtfire" (1993) is rated 'PG-13' for sexual references.
Mrs Sellner.
There is no reference to the family's religious beliefs.
The Production Budget for Mrs. Doubtfire was $25,000,000.
Mrs. Doubtfire was released on 11/24/1993.
The duration of Mrs. Doubtfire is 2.08 hours.
Mrs. Doubtfire was released on 11/24/1993.
The Production Budget for Mrs. Doubtfire was $25,000,000.
Mrs Doubtfire
mrs. doubtfire Answer Actually, Robin Williams played the role of Daniel Hilliard, who disguises himself as a British nanny, Mrs. Doubtfire, in order to spend time with his kids when Mrs. Hilliard (Sally Field) throws him out of the house and starts divorce proceedings.
The three children's names in Mrs. Doubtfire were Lydia, Chris, and Natalie.
November 24, 1993
Robin Williams was Mrs Doubtfire.
Robin Williams