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It's never mentioned, although they're said to be "dark".

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Q: What was Voldemort's eye colour before they became red?
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The colour will not change.

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It depends on what your eye colour and facial features are. It also matters on what colour your hair is now and if it has been dyed a colour before. Ask your local hairdresser.

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Can be inherited?

eye colour, hair colour, language spoken, skin colour and others

The color of the human eye is the?

The iris is the colour part of the eye.

Can eye color change after getting married?

Eye colour can change with exposure to the sun. Sunlight stimulates melanin production in the eye which results in a change of colour.

What is Miley Cyrus' favorite eye color?

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What controls your eye color?

The part of your eye that controlls your eye colour is called: The Iris

What are examples of inherited?

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