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Empfindsamer stil (Rococo)

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Q: What was The new sensitive style heard in the music of the middle eighteenth century is known as?
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How often did people wash in the eighteenth century?

im pretty sure not alot because they had to save water. also it was a pain to get water from the river. ive heard that ben Franklin took air baths. :P

What do girls think of the sensitive new age guys?

Answer I don't know where you are writing from, but I've never heard of the Sensitive New Age Guys. It must be you who is sensitive and thinks that everyone else is too.

When was jazz first heard?

20th century in America

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i heard somewhere that the greatest invention of the 21st century is the internet.

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her middle name is anastasia! but i have heard a few with the middle name catherine or grace.

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her middle name is anastasia! but i have heard a few with the middle name catherine or grace.

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Birds, I have heard birds in the middle of the night, it's the best answer I can give you..

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I am not sure if I get the question, but if you haven't heard the expression... WELCOME TO THE 21st CENTURY!!, then idk what to really say. it is, however, the 21st century of the cenozoic era

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In the middle ages nobody had heard of atoms. They were having problems visualising a spherical world.

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you might of heard of it.... oil and gold

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Since 1863 is what I heard

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I may be wrong, but I heard it was Julius.