His mother was named Lydia Polite. She was a domestic for the family of Henry McKee in Beaufort, SC. It is unknown as to who his father was.
Robert Pattinson's mums name is Clare Pattinson.
Say biggie smalls 3 times in the mirror, you'll see.
shanes moms name is NO1 CARES lol jk its daphney
U R Joking I hope Big Mac is way older than Smalls an older than the sandwich ever hard of a Mack Truck
Karen Payne
The Planter
Robert Smalls House was created in 1839.
Fort Robert Smalls was created in 1863.
Robert Smalls lived in Charleston, South Carolina as a slave.
Robert Pattinson's mums name is Clare Pattinson.
from a heart attack
Smally Robby
is tianna smalls biggie smalls daughter
Yes, the Civil war lasted until 1865, and Robert Smalls died in 1915, when he was 76 years old.
Robert E. Lee's mother was Ann Hill Carter Lee.
her dads name was Robert Warner Carson and her moms name was Maria Carson
Robert Smalls was born on April 5, 1839 and died at the age of 75 on February 23, 1915. Robert Smalls was a slave who commandeered a Southern ship to take himself, his family and others to freedom in 1862. During Reconstruction, he was a Republican congressman from South Carolina.