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cleaning toilets

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Q: What was Mr Rogers job before he hosted Mr Rogers Neighborhood?
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What other job did Mr Rogers of Mr Rogers Neighborhood have?

He was also an ordained minister.

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What is the best job for a 13 year old girl to do in her neighborhood?


Can 10 year olds work at subay because I need some real earned money not any neighborhood jobs.?

What kind of real job can 10 year olds get besids neighborhood job.

Where can a thirteen year old find a babysitting job?

ask people in your neighborhood

How do you get a job mowing in a neighborhood?

You can go door to door and ask but, work on a pitch,

Where are the nearest 15 year old job in racine WI?

The nearest job for a 15-year-old in Racine, WI is probably right in your neighborhood. You can babysit or wash cars or even mow lawns without leaving the neighborhood.

What kind a job can you find you are 12 years old?

you can offer to do chores for people in your neighborhood.

Why is it taking the government so long to help ragged out neighborhood ghetto?

This is not government's job.

Where can a seven year old boy get a job?

Lemonade stand, mowing neighborhood lawns.

Where can you find a babysitting job for a 13 year old besides your in neighborhood?

Search Online... ?

What has the author Dorothy S Rogers written?

Dorothy S. Rogers has written: 'How to market your college degree' -- subject(s): College graduates, Employment, Job hunting