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Her birth name was Destiny Hope Cyrus, but in March 2008, when she was 15, she filed papers in the Los Angeles Superior Court to have her name legally changed to Miley Ray Cyrus. Since she always smiled, her parents nicknamed her "Smiley" which was later shortened to "Miley". She changed her middle name to Ray not because her father's middle name is Ray (her father is Billy Ray Cyrus) but to honour her beloved late grandfather (and Billy Ray's father), the Democratic politician Ronald Ray Cyrus, who died February 28th, 2006.
Miley Cyrus is her current legal name, hence it is her "real name" at least in some context. However, it was not the name she was born with.

Miley Cyrus' birth name was Destiny Hope Cyrus, but when she was 15 she changed her name to Miley. Her friends and family had always called her smiley because she smiled a lot and that changed to Miley. She later legally changed her name.

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7y ago
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13y ago

Miley Cyrus real name is destiny hope her father thought that it was her destiny to bring hope but when she was a kid her father called her smiley miley and then miley causght on so her anme was destiny hope Cyrus but now its miey Cyrus which i think suits her much better

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11y ago

Miley Cyrus' birth name was Destiny Hope Cyrus. In January 2008 she legally changed her name to Miley Ray Cyrus. Miley derives from the nickname "Smiley" she had as a child and "Ray" was both her grandfather and father's middle names.

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7y ago

Miley Cyrus was born Destiny Hope Cyrus on November 23, 1992.

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8y ago

Destiny Hope Cyrus was her original name. She officially changed it to Miley Ray Cyrus. The reason she was called Miley by her family was because she was so 'smiley' as a child.

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14y ago

It was Destiny Hope Cyrus, until she had it legally changed to Miley Ray Cyrus on May 1, 2008.

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14y ago

Miley's birthname is Destiny Hope Cyrus. Miley changed her name officially to Miley Ray Cyrus.

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14y ago
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Nikki Taylor

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3y ago

Miley Ray Cyrus or Destiny Hope Cyrus

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13y ago


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What is Hannah Montana aka miley cyruss real name?

=Destiny Hope Cyrus=

Who sings party in the US?

Miley Ray Cyrus ( Hannah Montana) She is a actress on Hannah Montana. Her first name was "Destiny Hope Cyrus" but she legally changed her name to "Miley Ray Cyrus". Miley Cyrus She was Destiny Hope Cyrus, but made her name Smiley Hope Cyrus, then legally changed it to Miley Ray Cyrus. No one knows why, out of all names, she had to choose the name "Miley". Miley Cyruses real name was Destiny Hope Cyrus but when she was little a nickname she was given was Smiley because she was always smiling. So when she grew up she changed her name to Miley Cyrus. She never changed her name legally to Smiley Hope Cyrus; it was just a nickname.

What are nicknames for Miley Cyrus?

Miley Cyrus Has Various Different nicknames such as* Smiley Miley* Miles* Miley* Bud

Why do they call Destiny hope Cyrus Miley?

Her dad commented during an interview with Oprah that she goes by Miley because, when she was little, she was smiling all the time. He called her 'smiley', which later turned into 'Miley'. he used to call her destiny then smiley then it was legally changed to miley, short for Destiny Hope Ray Cyrus.

Who first auditioned for the role of Miley Stewart?

Nobody. The lead character was originally called Chloe Stewart. After sending in an audition tape for the role of Chloe's best friend, Miley Cyrus was asked to audition for the lead role instead. After landing the role, the lead character's name was changed to Miley Stewart after Miley Cyrus. Therefore no-one physically auditioned for the role of Miley Stewart.

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=Destiny Hope Cyrus=

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WikiAnswers cannot provide this level of personal detail about anyone, sorry.

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Miley's original name was Destiny Hope Cyrus but they changed it to Miley cause she always smiles smiley Miley is her nickname

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mileys mum isTrish Cyrusshe is alive as some people make up rumours that she is eda because of in Hannah Montana but she is notHi , miley cyruss I am a BIG FAN my name is Amelia i am 8 years old

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her original name is destiny but her nick name was smiley when she was younger so now she is known as miley

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