He was the presidents advisor (one of them, anyway), though, judging by the way he handled himself in a firefight, he had frontline expierience, maybe as a combat air controller, or PJ rescue officer, embassy gaurd etc
Air Force One (1997) is rated R.
Major Healy was in the Army, Major Nelson was in the Air Force
Major Nelson was in the Air Force, but Major Healey was in the Army. Both worked for NASA, but NASA has people from different branches of the military that work for them.
Major Rick Goodman was a pilot for the United States Air Force Thunderbirds. He was pilot for two seasons. The first season he flew the #6 plane (opposing solo) and his second season in the #5 plane (lead solo). If you want more information about the United States Air Force you can go to their website.
He became a pilot in the Air Force.
Major is abbreviated "Maj."
Air Force One (1997) is rated R.
This is an accident report for major vehicle accidents on military (Air Force) installations
Numbered Air Force (NAF) is not a major command.
Major Healy was in the Army, Major Nelson was in the Air Force
Air and Space Expeditionary Force Unit Type Code Reporting Tool (ART)
Yes, it is possible to retire as a major in the US Air Force. The retirement eligibility criteria are based on years of service and rank held. If a major has served the required number of years, they can retire with a corresponding pension and benefits.
Autobots deceptatons humains air force sector 7