If you are referring to the guitar he designed, it is called a Jag-Stang and it is made by Fender.
Kurt Donald Cobain.
171 Lake Washington Blvd East, Seattle, WA
If by friends you mean , zac takes credit for songs Kurt wrote as his own, refuses to help his " friend" with exposure and talked badly about The Kurt Thomas band to record producers behind Kurt's back... Then yes, Zac is Kurt's friend...
"Cat's Cradle" by Kurt Vonnegut.
Nirvana: Kurt Cobain has changed us a lot and inspired a lot of people and was the one who started up Grunge. A whole new wing of music. Kurt's Music and lyrics will live on forever. Nirvana have made great history!!!!!
Kurt Donald Cobain.
Kurt Cobains wife was Courtney Love
Kurt Cobain was born on February 20, 1967.
I believed they were named Iris and Leland Cobain.
171 Lake Washington Blvd East, Seattle, WA
I own the Martin D-18 E! Check myspace: A-Bro Dude! How'd you get that!?
171 Lake Washington Blvd East, Seattle, WA
Kurt Cobain's imaginary friend was named Boddah. He often mentioned Boddah in his journals and letters, describing him as a confidant and someone he could talk to about his thoughts and feelings. So, yeah, Boddah was the OG imaginary homie for Cobain.
No, Kurt Cobain was a musician. He was the lead singer for the band, Nirvana.
He considered himself different religions at different points in time . While living with the family of his friend Jesse Reed , Kurt became a Christian and regularly attended church services . Kurt Cobain also kept constant interest in Jainism and Buddhist philosophy . The band name Nirvana was taken from the Buddhist concept , which Kurt described as "freedom from pain , suffering , and external world" , which is like Heaven in Christianity .