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Q: What was Claws cats name on inspector gadget?
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What was inspector gadgets cats name?

Inspector Gadget didn't have a cat, he had a dog named Brain. Dr. Claw had a cat named Mad Cat.

What is Inspector Gadget's name?

Inspector Gadget name is Detective Leon Phelps.

What is the name of inspector gadgets dog?

Inspector Gadget's dog is named "Brain." Brain is a bumbling and loyal dog who helps Inspector Gadget in his missions.

What is inspector gadget's niece name?

Her name is Penny .

What is the name of the secret agent whose last name has something to do with electricity?

inspector gadget

What kind of dog is brain on inspector gadget?

The dog's name was Brain

What is the pennies dogs name in the cartoon inspector gadget?

Penny's dog was named Brain.

What exactly is the meaning of go-go gadget?

a gadget that can go-go No, this is reference to the cartoon (and later a live-action movie) Inspector Gadget. He would commonly say "Go go gadget [something]" where [something] is the name of the gadget he was calling forth. Example: "Go go gadget helicopter!" at which point, a helicopter rotor would pop out of the top of his head. Nowadays, it can be used in a sarcastic sense in response to an unreasonable request. "Hey Roger, I need those TPS reports ASAP!" "Sure... go go gadget time machine."

What is the birth name of Reverend Gadget?

Reverend Gadget's birth name is Greg Abbot.

What is Dr Claw's real name?

In the "Inspector Gadget" series, Dr. Claw's real name is never revealed. He is always depicted as a mysterious figure who remains hidden behind a chair stroking his cat.

What is the name of a cats foot?

A cat's foot is called a "paw." It includes the pads on the bottom of the foot, the claws, and the soft fur.

What G is another name for a gadget?

Another 'g' word for gadget is gizmo or gismo.