Franklin Charles Ludden was Allen's brother's name. He died February 15, 2011.
Allen Ludden's birth name is Ellsworth, Allen.
On November 2, 1962, he was found with a self-inflicted gunshot wound in his chest, which he said was accidental. On January 29, 1964, at age fifty, Alan Ladd was found dead at his Palm Springs home of an overdose of sedatives and alcohol.
she passed away from cancer in 1961. she would have been my aunt, she was my mom's sister. i was born in '62.
Sarah, Alfie Owen-Allen, Rebecca, and a number of half-siblings
Allen Ludden's birth name is Ellsworth, Allen.
Allen Ludden was born on October 5, 1917.
Allen Ludden was born on October 5, 1917.
Allen Ludden died on June 9, 1981 at the age of 63.
Password Allen Ludden was married to Betty White.
Allen Ludden's Gallery - 1969 was released on: USA: 23 June 1969
Allen Ludden was born on October 5, 1917 and died on June 9, 1981. Allen Ludden would have been 63 years old at the time of death or 97 years old today.
Famous people with the last name of Allen are: Gracie Allen Fred Allen Allen Ludden Ethan Allen Steve Allen Tim Allen Woody Allen Debbie Allen Marcus Allen See the links below.
Allen Ludden's Gallery - 1969 - 1.10 was released on: USA: 4 July 1969
Allen Ludden's Gallery - 1969 - 1.11 was released on: USA: 7 July 1969
Allen Ludden's Gallery - 1969 - 1.12 was released on: USA: 8 July 1969
Allen Ludden's Gallery - 1969 - 1.13 was released on: USA: 9 July 1969