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Q: What was Alice coachmans personalitly traits?
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Her family life was her mom dad and aunt i think i don't know i was the person who asked this and nobody had answered it

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he is deep down romantic person . he don't like to talk much , he has a cool personalitly

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The address of the Coachmans River Center Inc is: 67 High Road, Newbury, MA 01951-1725

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shes evil,creepy,and she absolutely HATES EVERYONE

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Alice Parker was known for being curious, imaginative, and adventurous. She was also independent and had a strong sense of determination.

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there are a childrean as the of nation in this this the essay is that the cchildren alice and john

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bepends who the person is and their personalitly anyway my name is zayna and i think im a good friend!!!! :)

What are the main character traits for the Cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland?

The Cheshire Cat is mysterious, insane, happy, sneaky, and peculiar.

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One Poseidon's personality traits is that he has a short temper.When he got angry,he would cause shipwrecks,storms,and hurricanes.Another personality trait was that sometimes he was laid back,carefree,and arrogant,a little like Dionysus.He WAS his nephew,anyway.=)He was also a cheater,as he cheated on his wife,Amphitrite,for women like Medusa.Like Zeus would do.

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This is an opinion question, but I'd go with Moony. (you've got to say why) for me it's prongs because i have the same personalitly as him

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if your gf asks you why you love her you say u r the most beautiful person i have met and i like your personalitly and i want to be with you