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Singer didn't make many so it might be on th high side of $1,500, but that depends on when it was made, if it has all original parts, if it is beat up and if it was ever restored. If you get the chance, re-ask the question but put the serial number, which is the numbers on the receiver and I will be able to tell you when it was made.

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Q: What value is a singer M-1 carbine?
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How accurate was the m1a1?

Not very accurate when compared to actual rifles like the M1 Garand and Springfield '03s, but the M1A1 was meant for Paratroopers in Europe due to its folding metal wire stock, the Army paratroopers needed its compact firepower for their unique roles in combat, the M1A1 Carbine served them well in Europe. The regular M1 Carbine (the M1A1's wood stocked cousin) was not issued to standard infantry as a standard weapon, instead it was meant to be issued as a personal defence weapon for non-combat personel, who's duty was things other than firing a rifle, duties like cooks, radio operators, jeep drivers, officers, barbers, guard duty, mechanics, ect.ect. Since the Carbine itself was not all that great of a fighting weapon, it was inaccurate at range, low power at long distances, and had jamming problems in its initail stages, and most people didnt take the Carbine that seriously, it was more of a supplimentary weapon to temporaly replace the .45 sideams, though when asked what they thought of the idea, most troops and military personel thought the Carbine was a joke and wanted their 1911s back, saying they'd rather have power and more reliability, than a little bit better accuracy and range.

Who is T- Boz?

She is an American R&B singer and lead singer of the group TLC.She is an American R&B singer and lead singer of the group TLC.She is an American R&B singer and lead singer of the group TLC.She is an American R&B singer and lead singer of the group TLC.She is an American R&B singer and lead singer of the group TLC.She is an American R&B singer and lead singer of the group TLC.

Why does singer called singer not songer?

Because He/She SINGS a song not Songs a song.... So Singer.

How tall is Solomon Singer?

Solomon Singer is 6'.

What is the duration of I Am a Singer?

The duration of I Am a Singer is 1.83 hours.