Vascular Surgeon
The Mack
No, he does not
The last Movie Richard Pryor starred in was Lost Highway in 1997. However, Pryor continued with television with a 1999 series called Norm that aired on ABC.
Vascular Surgeon
Harrison Ford. He played Dr. Richard Kimble in The Fugitive (1993), and he played Jack Ryan in Patriot Games (1992) and Clear and Present Danger (1994).
Tommy Lee Jones
The Fugitive
Cook County Hospital
Richard Fish was not in the movie The Crucible.
David Harold Meyer ka David Janssen [March 27, 1931-February 13, 1980] played Dr. Richard Kimble during the airing of 'The Fugitive' as a television series, 1963-1967. The actor who played Kimble in the movie version was Harrison Ford [b. July 13, 1942]. Ford was a Golden Globe nominee as best actor for his performance in the 1993 film version.
The Fugitive
This is a TV movie called Fugitive from the Empire - the trailer is on youtube.
The Fugitive