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all it says is he is a race car, it does not say which car he is modeled after.

hes the red car but yah im not sure what model he is

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Q: What type of car is lightning maqeen?
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What type of car does greased lightning race?

that would be the muscle car known as a Dodge Challenger

When was Lightning Car Company created?

Lightning Car Company was created in 2007.

What type of car is in the movie ligthning mcqueen?

The car Lightning McQueen , from the movie 'Cars' , is loosely designed from the Chevrolet Corvette and the Dodge Viper .

Safety when lightning car or tree?

Car because if a lightning hits the car the energy goes around the car but the tree can't absorb the energy

What kind of car is greased lightning?

A fast car

When lightning is it better to be in a car when lightning starts?

Yes it is safer un a car than outside because the metal of the car attracts lightning but safely routes it to the ground but this is not do to your rubber tires as proved by NASA. Maddog1198

How is lightning categorized?

Lightning is categorized by type. For examples:cloud to cloudcloud to groundground to cloudball lightning

When was the Johnny Lightning Indy 500 winning car made into a hot wheel car?

It was never made as a Hot Wheels car. It was a Johnny Lightning car. Two different company's.

What type of lightning is heat lightning?

Heat lightning is just ordinary lightning that is too far away for you to hear the thunder.

What is the most dangerous type of lightning?

The most dangerous type of lightning is cloud-to-ground lightning, as it can strike directly onto people or objects on the ground, causing severe injuries or fatalities.

What does opel badge mean?

It means you have an Opel car. That is correct partially, but it actually means the car goes like lightning or lightning fast.