Alot of colors make brown when mixed, but probably the easiest is to mix red with green. Varying the amount of each color will give you different shades of brown. Orange and green will be a more tannish brown.
purple and orange
Brown is achieved by a mixture of all three primary colours. To get brown by mixing only two colours it is necessary to mix a primary colour and its complimentary secondary colour.
Yellow with purple.
Red with green.
Blue with orange.
The amount of each colour will determine the shade of brown you get.
Visualize the color wheel with the three primary colors, red, yellow, and blue. Between each is a secondary color: red and blue make violet, blue and yellow make green, and red and yellow make orange. Each of these secondary colors is directly across from a primary. Mix any secondary color with the primary across from it and your get brown.
=two colours which are on oppersite sides of the colour wheel and when mixed make a neutral colour like red and green are complimentary coulours and when mixed make brown.=
brown he wears contacts onstage for two reasons 1- to see 2- brown eyes are (supposedly) boring
blue, or bluish-green If you have made your own purple by combining red and blue, and have not mixed it well or made it a more of a blue violet, then you will get the bluish green because of the yellow mixing with the blue. If you are using a premixed violet such as deep violet, then yellow becomes the complementary color and you get gray or brown depending on the ratio and exact yellow you are using. you can see a demonstration of it on the related link. EDIT I'd actually say that the colour you would get would be brown. Purple is made up of red and blue, 2 primary colours, the third primary colour being yellow. If you mix the three primary colours you get brown, hence why I think you'd get brown.The Edit: The blending of three primary colors (red and blue in the purple, with yellow) creates a neutral gray. Depending on the amount of each color, you will achieve anything from a more brownish gray, to an almost charcoal gray.
Although there is no official term for it, there is such a thing known as gradient blending, which is created by two or more colors gradually blending into one another. This is often seen in embroidery, however this technique can be applied in all manners involving color.
Light blue is the color of the walls to Bella Swan's bedroom in "Twilight."Bella's bedroom is on the west side of the small, two-bedroom house in which her father, Charlie Swan, lives. Her window looks out onto the front yard. The window is covered by yellowed lace curtains. The room's furniture includes a bed, a rocking chair, and a table with a computer and chair.
Red and Brown
The colors that makes violence are: White and brown
None. White lacks all color.
You can't mix colours to make the primary colours which are Red, Blue and Yellow. You can make purple by red and blue, orange by red and yellow, green by blue and yellow or brown by red, blue and purple.
=two colours which are on oppersite sides of the colour wheel and when mixed make a neutral colour like red and green are complimentary coulours and when mixed make brown.=
In theory, red and green colors make yellow color
Red and blue make up purple, or violet.
There are multiple color combinations that can be used to make peach. One combinations that It can be made with is pink and brown. Another one is orange and yellow. No matter the combination, they will need to be mixed in different ratios to get the desired hue.
If you add red to green, you get brown.
light blue and black if I'm wrong so sorry Red, yellow and blue are the three primary colours. Primary colours can not be made by mixing two or more colours together.
brown and yellow
A secondary color is created by mixing two primary colors together. For example, mixing red and yellow creates orange. A secondary mixed color is a combination of two secondary colors. For example, mixing green (from blue and yellow) with orange (from red and yellow) creates a tertiary color like amber or vermilion.