Ephemeral streams only have water for a brief time following rain or during periods of spring runoff from higher, surrounding mountains.
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Elisted Record Brief
There is no 'BN' MPAA rating in the United States. BN stands for brief nudity.
a cameo
Susan Brief has written: 'The effects of vitamin A and beta-carotene on the reproductive performance of gilts' -- subject(s): Swine, Breeding, Vitamin A., Reproduction, Carotenes
Except for a brief courtship and mating period, desert tortoises are solitary animals.
Yes, carcasses of dead animals are found in the desert but usually for a brief time only as scavengers will quickly devour them.
The rainy season varies from desert to desert. Some deserts primarily have a wet summer, others in the winter while some have a brief summer rainy season as well as a brief winter rainy season.
Except for brief periods of occasional rain, all deserts are in perpetual drought.
They were named as a result of a fan contest held in 1960.An article that has a brief snippet on the mascot's history in Denver is linked to below.
The greatest agent of erosion is water which is rare in the desert except during the brief rainy season. Therefore, water erosion in the desert is much slower than in areas with more rainfall.
T. Garner has written: 'A brief description of the principal foreign animals & birds'
T. C. Jerdon has written: 'Catalogue of the birds of the peninsula of India, arranged according to the modern system of classification : with brief notes on their habits and geographical distribution, and description of new, doubtful and imperfectly described species' -- subject(s): Birds 'Catalogue of the birds of the Peninsula of India' -- subject(s): Birds 'Catalogue of the birds of the peninsula of India, arranged according to the modern system of classification : with brief notes on their habits and geographical distribution, and description of new, doubtful and imperfectly described species' -- subject(s): Birds
St. Anthony the Abbot, not to be confused with St. Anthony of Padua, moved to the desert at age 35 to have solitude for prayer, meditation and writing. Except for one or two brief trips to civilization, he spent most of the remainder of his life in the desert.
Desert soils are usually quite thin and do not absorb water well if the rain comes heavy and fast. This can cause the soil to be washed away in a flash flood.
Yes, Neil Young was an a band named the Mynah Birds for a very brief period in 1966. Rick James of "Superfreak" fame was also in the band at the same time as Young.