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"Too Something" (later called "New York Daze")

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Q: What tv show featured a character giving a self high five?
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Can a player be given a delay of game warning for giving a high five after a free throw?


What do you mean by Featured job?

A featured job is one that is given high priority. Featured jobs are normally high paying and require candidates to apply fast.

How often does a featured question get answered?

Featured questions are looked at by many, there is a high chance of these featured questions getting answered.

What does giving knuckles mean?

Giving knuckles is like giving a high five, except knuckles are done with closed fists, one person lightly butting the fingers, from the first knuckle joint to the second, of another other person.

How do you spell high five?

You spell high five, high five.

Why do they call a high five a high five?

Because you raise your hand(high) and you have five fingers(five)

Who lived at Danmead High Street St. Mary Mead?

Miss Jane Marple, the fictional character created by Agatha Christie, lived at Danmead on High Street in the village of St. Mary Mead. She is a shrewd and astute amateur detective featured in various mystery novels by Christie.

What do presidents get when their term is over?

A high five A high five

How many varities of high fives has barney asked for on the tv show 'how i met your mother'?

There is most likely a high five each episode. Each one different. Some classic examples have been in Relapse five, Phone five, Cell five, Tiny five, Freeze-Frame high-five, Hypothetical high-five, Wordplay five, Arthritisfive, Self five, Foot five, Claw five, Solemn low-five, Door five, Motility-five, High-six and High two.

Why is a high five called a high five?

because it high in the air and you have 5 fingers.

When was the high five made?

The high five was made in 1875 from france

What is a feature phone?

Featured phone means, a phone that hits high in the market.