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Q: What tv show did Jill hennessy star in before crossing jordan?
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Who played Jordan on Crossing Jordan?

Jill Hennessy

What TV series did Jill Hennessy appear in before starring in Crossing Jordan?

Law and order Did you know:Jordan, Jill Hennessy's character on "Crossing Jordan", had been fired from several jobs because of her brash personality.

Which TV series did Jill Hennessy appear in before starring in Crossing Jordan?

Law & Order

Which broadcasting service aired Crossing Jordan?

"Crossing Jordan made it's NBC debut on September 24, 2001 and ran for six seasons before being cancelled on May 14, 2007. It starred Jill Hennessy as Jordan Cavanaugh, a coroner."

What is the birth name of Jill Hennessy?

Jill Hennessy is a Canadian actress known for her role as A.D.A. Claire Kincaid in Law and Order and Dana Skully in X-Files. She also played roles in Crossing Jordan, and Robo Cop 3, she was born Jillian Noel Hennessy.

Who is the female spokesperson for Zaxby's?

Jill Hennessy is the new female spokesperson for Zaxby's. She was the star of Crossing Jordan and was on Law and Order...

What is hennessy famous for?

Jill Hennessy is a Canadian actress known for her role as A.D.A. Claire Kincaid in Law and Order and Dana Skully in X-Files. She also played roles in Crossing Jordan, and Robo Cop 3, she was born Jillian Noel Hennessy.

How tall is Jill Hennessy?

Jill Hennessy is 5' 8".

When was Jill Hennessy born?

Jill Hennessy was born on November 25, 1968.

How long has Crossing Jordan been off the air?

It is currently 2011 so the show has been off the air for 4 years. The Crime/Drama/Mystery with the main character of Dr. Jordan Cavanaugh played by Jill Hennessy had lasted from 2001 to 2007 and it had 117 episodes.

What religion does Jill Hennessy practice?

my bet is she's too smart to practice any religion...

How tall is Jill Jordan?

Jill Jordan is 5' 6".