Helena Bonham Carter(Bellatrix Lestrange in Harry Potter and Mrs. Lovett in Sweeny Todd), Alan Rickman (Severus Snape in Harry Potter and Judge Turpin in Sweeny Todd), and Timothy Spall (Peter Pettigrew in Harry Potter and the Beadle in Sweeny Todd).
Daniel Radcliffe has starred in all of the Harry Potter movies as Harry Potter.
No. The actors in Harry Potter must be from Britain.
Robert Patterson has been in Twilight, New Moon, and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter is a famous character not an actor. He doesn't actually exist.Daniel Radcliffe portrays Harry Potter in the movies, he is a famous actor from England.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
Daniel Radcliffe has starred in all of the Harry Potter movies as Harry Potter.
Daniel Radcliff as Harry Potter.
harry potter
He is jewish and starred in harry potter
he has roughly been doing harry potter for 10 years, so just about half his life :)
Alan Rickman
No. The actors in Harry Potter must be from Britain.
There are two "Michaels" starring in Harry Potter. The first is Michael Gambon who has starred in all of the films as Albus Dumbledore with the exception of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Sorcerer's Stone and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. The second is Michael Wildman who played a centaur in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
John Cleese
Lord Voldermort was played by Ralph Fiennes in the Harry Potter films.
Hazel Keech was an extra in three of the Harry Potter films. She appeared in Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, and Goblet of Fire.