Older than the earth, because he participated in the song that brought it into existence. Exactly as old as Saruman, Sauron, the Balrog, Aule the smith, Morgoth, and all the other Valar and Maiar that also participated in that song.
I don't think we should keep our hopes up for it, but no I don't think so . But then again you never no .- (-;Most likely not .
The cast of A Likely Story - 1987 includes: Alison Martin as Alison the Librarian
It is considered PG. But it is a pretty nasty movie. I've watched it when I was 7/8. So maybe 10-up. However, shortly after this film came out, the PG-13 rating came into existence, signifying that if this film was released a little later than it was, it would more than likely have gotten that rating.
vivd imagry
The knights believed they were carrying out the wishes of King Henry II when they killed Thomas Becket, the Archbishop of Canterbury. They were likely motivated by a desire to please the king and gain favor. Additionally, tensions between Becket and the king had been escalating due to disagreements over the extent of the church's power.
Not likely. Coincidences are evidence of coincidence, or if you will, random chaos, which is what the universe is all about. Asking if they are evidence of God's existence is like asking if water is evidence of a fish's existence.
a thesaurus
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kill it, quick, easy, and saves you the trouble of its existence
The West
It is not mmentioned although the only two Decepticons seen at the end of Endgame Part 2 are Megatron and Shockwave. Also, seeing three coffins(excluding Prowl's) it is likely he is in one of them.
There is no historical or archaeological evidence to support the existence of Khamunra. It is likely a fictional or mythological character.
A triumphal march would most likely be in a major key, such as C major or D major, to convey a sense of victory, grandeur, and celebration. Minor keys are less commonly used for triumphal marches as they tend to convey more somber or melancholic emotions.
You'd have to be more specific about when, but the most likely answer is the Persian Empire, led by Darius III.