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I think the need for reality shows is the fact that people like to watch other people get into arguments, fight, and see how people live and act around others, to be honest, that is my best guess. Personally, I think they are a waste of time and moeny.

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16y ago
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14y ago

Reality TV is everywhere. Whatever channel you turn on, you are bound to see something unscripted. From the 11 installments of Survivor to the MTV reality shows that keep kicking to American Idol, reality TV has transformed the way networks and viewers view TV.

The overwhelming majority of critics, however, view reality TV as a poison so lethal to TV and the public that it is destroying TV. Austin Cline, an guide, questions the ethics of reality TV and even goes so far as to say many reality shows "achieve significant popularity and

cultural prominence," but also says "that does not mean that they are good for society or that they should be aired." Is it really damaging to TV and the youth in general? On the contrary, reality TV serves many beneficial purposes to not only the public, but amazingly also the TV industry.

There is little doubt that shows like The Simple Life and Fear Factor do not add much value to the lives of the public except maybe a few laughs. Some feel reality shows, in general, serve no good. It is hard to believe that shows that have paved the way for teens and twenti-somethings to deal with and overcome problems of emotional, physical and psychological natures are labeled as part of the genre that serves no value.

The Real World and Road Rules, brought to you by MTV, are the original reality shows. These shows have provided so much to viewers, including perspectives on gay culture and lifestyle, AIDS, abortion, racism, psychological disorders and so many more issues. Sure, these topics are portrayed on Soap Operas and dramas, but it is reality TV that brings real people with real problems into our lives.

Who, besides people living with it, have any idea what lyme disease is? Well, viewers who tuned into Irene dealing with the lasting effects of the disease did. For sure there are people out there who identified with Irene and learned that they are not alone. These two shows opened up the lines of communications for people dealing with a vast amount of problems. You can not find help for these on scripted shows as real people heal from the trials and tribulations of real people.

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11y ago

Reality television covers a broad range of shows, everything from DIY home improvement, talent competitions, historical reenactments, to shows about the real lives of the participants.

See related questions for the disadvantages of reality television

But there are some advantages:

- Competitions shows provide the opportunity for talented performers to get more exposure and build their careers

- Historical reality shows (Frontier house, Coal House ) - educate the public about a period in history and provide insight into the talents and skills needed to thrive and survive during those times in history.

- DIY and home improvement shows (Trading spaces) educate about how to complete home improvement tasks and what skills, tools and materials are needed to complete a project.

- Day in the life shows that follow a particular family or personality promote that persons career, provide them with some income - but are typically carefully staged and planned out. (Very unlikely to be showing you what this person's real life is like.)

The advantages of the shows are that they can educate people about topics that they might not have otherwise considered.

There are a lot of differing opinions about the advantages of participating in reality shows:

- Now everyone is behind reality shows. Reality shows help people to show their true talent to the world. Most of the upcoming dance artists are the product of reality shows. As there is no gender differentiation, everyone will get equal opportunity to showcase their talents.

- Children should be allowed to participate in television reality shows because of their merits. These shows give them an excellent platform to showcase their talents. They can learn a lot from their mentors, as well as other competitors. reality show play an important role in regard to this. They help one overcome state fright and shyness. The participants can earn name and fame overnight. Lastly, these reality shows help one to become smart and intelligent and increase one's communication and self-confidence levels. Thus, children should always be encouraged by their family members and well -wishers to take pare in reality shows, from where they can explore the world and which will help them reach their goals.

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12y ago

The educational channels shows that we had made successful things like the hole machines,punching manchines,pencil made up of granite .This feeds to the children that when we grown up we would also make these good things like the time machine that the scientists had not made it even now.

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13y ago

It is a matter of opinion. Many people think it is not good and 'dumbing down' TV to the lowest level.

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12y ago

Some reality shows can be staged and not be true. Scripted instead of being live and full of excitement. But on the other hand it can be very entertaining to watch and make fun of.

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13y ago

Advantage = Harry Styles + one direction

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14y ago

Entertainment for some, money for others.

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Q: What the advantages and disadvantages of reality tv show?
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What is disadvantages of reality show?

You're putting your private life on TV.

Disadvantages of reality shows?

no private and everybody will be interacted to television public humiliation.

What are the disadvantages and advantages of reality shows?

Advantages for watching Reality TV Shows are that teenagers get god enjoyment out of it, disadvantages may be that they are a bad influence on the audience ANSWER Advantages:- 1. Giving chance to everyone(public forum) 2. A major boost in self confidence 3. Something new,not same old prepared program(non-monotonous) Disadvantages:- 1. Extreme profit motive 2. Emotional drawback audience and participants tend to forget that it's a media show end of the day :)

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its depends on the show and children age . there are the few advantages for children like attantion learning about the tv

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The television show Siberia is a fictional reality show. The show has 16 fictional characters trying to survive in Siberian territory of a fictional county. They are portraying a reality show.

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No. Justin Bieber does not have a reality TV show. He does have a movie called "Never Say Never." But no TV show.

Advantages of reality show?

An advantage of a reality show is that a "contestant" on it can get on TV without being an actor or actress. In modern times, however, reality shows are very common and someone may not find their big break that way.

What is reality tv?

As the name depicts TV reality show is a non fiction TV show that is not based on any scripts and dialogues. But the reality shows these days are scripted too.