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the symbols i found to represent civilization and order were the conch shell, the rescue fire (truly meaning the DESIRE to return), and piggys glasses. you might notice that through the book as more people turn to the savagery of jack, the rescue fire starts being neglected. this means the group lost the desire to be rescued. then when all hell really breaks loose is when the group commits their first true on purpose murder, to piggy. his glasses are broken, the last sensible one is KILLED, and the conch is shattered. the kids dont even care at this point, and attack ralph. this shows that without civilization, people revert to their true terrible self. i hope this helped :)

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Q: What symbols does Golding use to show that civilization has been destroyed on the island Lord of the Flies?
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The boys are stranded on an island where?

no one knows for sure. All Golding tells u is that they r trapped on an island. No one knows where. BTW, GREAT BOOK! I RECOMMEND IT TO EVERYONE!!

What did Jack's father do for a living in Lord of the Flies?

Jack Merridew's father is not mentioned in Lord of the Flies. The novel, written by William Golding, is about a group of boys stuck on a deserted island.

What are the Swallows and Amazons in the Lord of the Flies?

There are no Swallows and Amazons in Lord of the Flies. "Swallows and Amazons" is the title of a book by the author Arthur Ransome. "Lord of the Flies" is a completely different book written by William Golding, they have nothing at all in common with each other. Early in the book when Ralph tells the assembly that they are on an island, a good island, some of the boys call out, "Like Treasure Island, Swallows and Amazons and The Coral Island."

What are the books mentioned in Lord of the Flies?

Lord of the flies is about a group of kids stranded on an island and they are rying to get rescued when all of a sudden one of the younger boys thinks they saw a monster then the whole book is about the boys trying to get rescued and trying to find and kill the monster and stay alive.... 2 people die and one is missing im not gonna ruin it though

In lord of the flies what does piggy mean when he keeps saying 'them fruit'?

This is an example of ambiguity he could mean that he was literally interested in the fruit on the island or some people believe he was referring to the fruits of the spirit because Golding often had Biblical ties in his literature.

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William Golding wrote "Lord of the Flies," a novel about a group of boys stranded on an uninhabited island and their descent into savagery. The book explores themes of power, civilization, and human nature.

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The appearance of the naval officer symbolizes the outside adult world and its ability to bring order and control to chaos. Golding is suggesting that human society functions according to a set of rules and norms that civilization imposes, contrasting with the savage behavior that had developed on the island.

What are the two symbols in the book lord of the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, two important symbols are the conch shell, which represents order and civilization, and the "beast," which symbolizes the inherent evil and darkness within human nature. These symbols are central to the themes of the novel as they highlight the struggle between civilization and savagery.

What is the scar why does Golding choose that word in the lord of the flies?

The scar in "Lord of the Flies" refers to the strip of land left scarred by the crashed plane. Golding chooses this word to symbolize how the intrusion of civilization has disrupted the natural beauty and harmony of the island, hinting at the destruction and chaos to come as the boys' society unravels.

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"Lord of the Flies" is actually a novel by William Golding, not Stephen King. It tells the story of a group of boys stranded on an uninhabited island who struggle to maintain order and civilization, ultimately descending into savagery and violence. The novel explores themes of human nature, morality, and the thin veneer of civilization.

Who first suggest that they might not be on a good island?

Ralph is the first character who suggests that the boys might not be on a good island in "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding. He expresses this concern early in the novel during a meeting with the other boys, highlighting the absence of adults and civilization.

Why did golding chose to make Ralph the way he is?

William Golding likely made Ralph the way he is in "Lord of the Flies" to symbolize civilization, order, and leadership. By juxtaposing Ralph's character with the other boys on the island, Golding emphasizes the struggle between the human desire for order and the inherent savagery within us all. Ralph's character serves as a representation of the boys' longing for structure and rules in a chaotic and unpredictable environment.

What book had children abandoned on an island and reverting to basic human instincts for survival?

The book is "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding. It tells the story of a group of British boys stranded on an uninhabited island, where they struggle to maintain order and civilization as they descend into savagery and violence.

Is there a sequel to Lord of the Flies?

No, "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding does not have an official sequel. The story itself is self-contained, exploring themes of human nature, civilization, and power dynamics within a group of boys stranded on an uninhabited island.

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Current belief is that the Minoan civilization was destroyed as a result of an explosive eruption of Mt Thera (or Santorini) which resulted in a pyroclastic flow which blanketed the island of Santorini and caused a tsunami which overwhelmed Crete.

How are piggys glasses broken lotf?

In the novel "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, Piggy's glasses are broken when Jack slaps him, causing the glasses to fall off and shatter. The breaking of Piggy's glasses is symbolic of the deterioration of order and civilization on the island.