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First year students take flying lessons which is taught my Madam Hooch.

Students are required to take the following class in their first five years at Hogwarts:

  • Transfiguration taught by Professor McGongall
  • Charms taught by Professor Flitwick
  • Herbology taught by Professor Sprout
  • Potions taught by Professor Snape
  • History of Magic taught by Professor Binns
  • Astronomy taught by Professor Sinistra
  • Defence Against the Dark Arts taught by Professor Qurriel (first year), Professor Lockhart (second year), Professor Lupin (third year), Fake Professor Moody i.e Barty Crouch jr (fourth year) and Professor Umbridge (fifth year).

In third to fifth year along with the subjects listed above Harry Potter studied:

  • Divination taught by Professor Trewlaney
  • Care of Magical Creatures taught by Professor Hagrid

In sixth year students are allowed to drop and choose whatever subjects they please. Harry took the following subjects in sixth year (and seventh had he returned for it):

  • Potions taught by Professor Slughorn
  • Charms
  • Defence Against the Dark Arts taught by Professor Snape (sixth year), Professor Carrow (seventh year, turned into 'Dark Arts')
  • Transfiguration
  • Herbology
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Q: What subjects did Harry Potter study and who taught each of them?
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What is arithmancy in the Harry Potter series?

Arithmancy is the study of divination through number patterns.

What do the unicorns in Harry Potter eat?

There is no mention in the Harry Potter series, or in Fantastic Beats, of what unicorn eats. When Harry and his classmates study them, they do not feed them and the professor does not mention meals. Presumably, their diet is similar to horses and consists of hay, grass etc.

What is the city of publication of Harry Potter?

Harry potter lives in private street were his auntie and uncle and cousin live his parents lilly and James potter were trying to fight over Voldemort and tried to kill him but he killed them Harry potter was the last to survive

What subjects are taught at hogwarts?

There is wide variety of subjects being taught at Hogwarts, but some of the main ones that are commonly mentioned in the books are:DivinationAncient RunesTransfigurationCharmsDefense Against The Dark ArtsHistory of MagicPotionsIMPROVEMENT:In first and second year there are only 6 subjects taught then in third year you get a choice of 10 subjects. There is 1 subject taught during the first year only. I have also included the teachers I know =]Subjects taught during first and second year:Transfiguration - Proffessor McGonagallCharms - Proffessor FlitwickHistory Of Magic - Proffessor BinnsDefense Against The Dark Arts - (Depends what book)Potions - Proffessor SnapeHerbology - Proffessor SproutFlying (taught during FIRST YEAR ONLY) - Madame HoochSubjects taught in third year (please note there are 10 subjects taught in 3rd year but I've found 11 - I'm not sure which one of these isn't in 3rd year - sorry):Transfiguration - Proffessor McGonagallDefense Against The Dark Arts - (Depends what book)Herbology - Professor SproutCharms - Proffessor FlitwickPotions - Professor SnapeCare Of Magical Creatures - Hagrid/ProfessorDivination - Professor TrelawneyArithmancy - Professor VectorMuggle StudiesAstronomy - Proffessor SinistraAncient RunesStudents have to select some of these subjects and not even clever clogs Hermione can study all 10 =P

Who taught yngwie malmsteen?

he was self taught...he also used to study 8 hours a day until his 19s-20s

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harry poter studie at hagworts first

How do you study magic?

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What is arithmancy in the Harry Potter series?

Arithmancy is the study of divination through number patterns.

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What did Harry Potters study?

First year students take flying lessons.Students are required to take the following class in their first five years at Hogwarts:TransfigurationCharmsDefence Against the Dark ArtsHerbologyPotionsHistory of MagicAstronomyIn third to fifth year along with the subjects listed above Harry Potter studied:DivinationCare of Magical CreaturesIn sixth year students are allowed to drop and choose whatever subjects they please. Harry took the following subjects in sixth year (and seventh had he returned for it):PotionsCharmsDefence Against the Dark ArtsTransfigurationHerbology

Is there a study guide for Harry Potter Half-Blood Prince?

Yes see related links.

What do the unicorns in Harry Potter eat?

There is no mention in the Harry Potter series, or in Fantastic Beats, of what unicorn eats. When Harry and his classmates study them, they do not feed them and the professor does not mention meals. Presumably, their diet is similar to horses and consists of hay, grass etc.

What subjects were taught at universities during the Middle Ages?

The study of religion was the most valued field of study in the Middle Ages. The Catholic Church was all powerful.

What did Fred and george study during fourth year in Harry Potter?

nothing they ran a magic store

How does the arrival of the letters change Harry's living arrangement in Harry Potter?

The letters were announcing that it was time for Harry to come study at Hogwarts, which meant he would be living there during the school year.

Is there a study guide for the Accelerated Reader test on Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?

Yes, it is "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire." Read the book! If you are having trouble with the exam, then the best solution would be to create your own study guide. A timeline and listing of characters would be the starting point. A great opportunity to learn outlining and other useful study skills.

What is the name of the college Harry Potter study?

He didn't go to college. He did go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry though.