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I would think lots of places. I go on and look at all the Harry Potter merchandise and see what you can find

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Q: What store can you buy Harry potter fake nails?
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Why has Harry Potter not got facebook?

Because Harry Potter Is a Wizard And Wizards Don't Use Computers. There Are Fake Harry Potters On Facebook Though. :)

Where can you find the fake Harry Potter books by Harry Writer?

Try consulting the Harry Potter fanfiction website. The link can be found in related links.

Why won't Harry Potter save to psp?

Because it is fake

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The fake locket Dumbledore died to obtain in Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince.

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Any day that isn't the 31st July.

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As he saw seven Harry Potter, he realized that at least six of them are fake.

Can children wear fake nails?

Yes children can wear fake stick on nails but not fake fake nails

Does Robbie Coltrane wear a wig or fake beard in harry Potter?

Yes he has both.

Where do you buy french tips?

You can buy fake nails at a drug store like Walgreen's for like $5-15 or you can get acrylics (fake nails that professionals put on you) at the mall for about $12-20

Can people in the US become an extra for Harry Potter?

Probably if you go to England and fake an accent.

How much is it to get fake nails on you at Walmart?

How much is it to get fake nails on at Walmart

Are Harry Potter's glasses by Noble Collection real or fake?

The glasses worn by Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter in the movies, are 'real' in the fact that they are not CGI. They glasses are physically real, however they do not have lenses in the frames.