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Crazy Legs is best known as the nickname for now-deceased and rugged football player Elroy Hirsch. His name may have inspired the Jetsons character. Elroy is a combination of Spanish and French for- The King. El is Spanish, and Roi is French. I have heard Crazy Legs applied to football players but not to Cranes, either the birds or construction equipment, in the latter any misalignment of the Gantry Gear- well could cause accidents.

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Q: What species of crane is Crazy Legs Crane?
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What tastes with its legs?

the bug that can taste with its legs are called a crane fly

What does the surname Crane mean?

The surname Crane is an English nickname probably for a tall, thin man with long legs, from the Middle English word cranafter 'crane' the bird. I do not have a clue

What are the big looking mosquitoes and how can they be distinguished from other mosquito species?

The big-looking mosquitoes are known as crane flies. They can be distinguished from other mosquito species by their long, slender bodies and legs, as well as their lack of a proboscis for biting. Crane flies do not bite humans or animals, unlike other mosquito species that do.

What insect tastes with its legs?

the bug that can taste with its legs are called a crane fly

What is a homograph for crane?

A homograph for "crane" is a large, tall bird with a long neck and legs that is typically found near water. It can also refer to a type of machine used for lifting and moving heavy objects, such as a construction crane.

What is a crane fly, and how does it resemble a large mosquito?

A crane fly is an insect that looks similar to a large mosquito, but they are not the same. Crane flies have long legs and a slender body, while mosquitoes have shorter legs and a more robust body. Both insects have wings and feed on nectar, but mosquitoes also feed on blood.

What kind of bird species has a red face and black beak has long black legs like a crane long neck and was seen in Maine?

a heron 4 shore

How do you stop daddy long legs coming out of the grass?

You don't. The crane fly (daddy long legs) larvae live underground by eating grass roots. The crane fly is totally harmless to humans and is valuable food for birds.

What is a jimmy spinner?

It's colloquial name for the daddy long-legs, or crane fly.

What has a black body 4 orange legs long stinger and orange wings?

This is most likely a crane fly. They resemble a wasp. Crane flies do not sting or bite and pose no harm to humans.

Insect on dandelion orange and black markings long legs like a mosquito?

crane fly

From what country did the surname Crane originate?

The surname Crane is of Anglo Saxon origin. It was a nickname given to a tall thin man or someone with long legs. The name derived from the Old English word "cran(uc)", which means a crane. Interesting namebearers were William Crane water-bailiff for the town and harbour of Dartmouth, Devon, 1509 - 1510. Sir Francis Crane, secretary to Charles 1 then Prince of Wales. Richard Crane aged 32 yrs., who embarked from London on the "Thomas" bound for Virginia in 1635. The first recorded spelling of the family name found is Osbert Crane, dated 1177 in Cambridgeshire.