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I Was Made for Lovin' You

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Q: What song was playing in the simpsons episode pray anything?
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What are the ratings and certificates for The Simpsons - 1989 Pray Anything 14-10?

The Simpsons - 1989 Pray Anything 14-10 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:Atp Australia:PG USA:TV-PG (1997-Present)

When was Pray Anything created?

Pray Anything was created on 2003-02-09.

Was anybody abused about The Simpsons episode Bart vs Australia?

Well not abused, but bloody insulted. when i first watched it i memorised the couch gag and the chalkboard and wrote it down (each simbilizes each episode) and whenever i saw it i imidietly changed the channel. but I'm Australian, and if a, lets say, German or Chinese or English watch a episode like that, and are sensitive, they may do something like that. but hey, it was the simpsons goal. Also, i hate how they tease Christians, although i like the episode where Bartgets an F, and it shows that he is good, so a miricle happens, and Homer beggins to pray. anyway, i don't blame you for being insulted.

What do Christians pray to that faces Jerusalem?

Christians do not pray to anything that faces Jerusalem.

What do you pray to Mary Mackillop for?

Usually, there is not a specific thing you can pray to any blessed or saint.You can pray about anything you want.

What can Hindus pray for?

They can pray for advice, intervention, help, money, fame, good luck, anything.

What is eat pray queef south park episode?

A really terrible episode focusing on "queefing" vs. farting. I don't recommend it.

Why did people pray to Aphrodite?

Aphrodite (Roman, Venus) was the Greek goddess of love and beauty, so people would pray to her for anything concerning those.

How do christians pray or worship?

there is no proper way. you pray and worship however you want. it's your own conversation with god. talk to him on whatevers bothering you or what is making you happy - anything he's listening. (If you have any questions on anything contact me bbob2)

If you pray for snow to happen will it happen?

God does not necessarily give you what you want. What you pray for may be the opposite of what others are praying for. You should pray for such weather as may be beneficial and pleasing to your community. They weather will do what weather does, but you may pray for anything not harmful that pleases you. No one should tell you what you SHOULD pray for, just do it responsibly and thoughtfully.

What did Muslims pray to?

did!? i think u mean 'do' dude... ya so muslims pray to god we belive there is only one god and he has no family or anything :D

Who is still playing Diablo 1?

Hard to imagine anyone is still playing D1. As awesome as it was, it is time to move on and pray for D3 :)