Liar,Liar [Burn In Hell] by The Used as a lot of cussing
it is real n*gga roll call by lil Jon and ice cube it has 210 swears
Eminem swears in every song that there is except for "just lose it" and even that song has some swear words but there not that bad. they still r swear words so it doesnt count he says ass at every other line
The song Most Swag is a rap song. This song is sung by Wala.
Its definitely WATAGATAPITUSBERRY but its REALLY catchy
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think only twice
Probably Niall or Louis I think Niall sings the least.
yes she swears she used the f word as the name of her song and most of her songs have swear words in them MOST of them not ALL of them
You do!
Yes the song black yellow swears.
I don't think so. Well my version doesn't.
Yes, in the song dynomite it says the f word:(, that is the only song by him I know that swears in it but there may be more.
Kenny, but mostly you cant understand him.
Yes, she says sh*t. I'll lay your sh*t there. In the Grammy's when she performed she said "I'll lay your stuff there," obviously she swears. I downloaded the music video on my iPod and it says Explicted. so that means she swears.
Yes she swears like most people.
The word "swears" has one syllable.
She swears she didn't eat the last cookie, but I saw her do it.