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Lazy Generations - The F-Ups

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Q: What song is this from They call us social mutations why?
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What is the 1 song in the US?

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How do mutations help us look different and what causes them?

Mutations help us look different because we can all have totally and entirely different mutations making each person significantly different from the rest. Mutations can be caused by two things. One reason is your environment. You could be exposed to radiation, ultraviolet light, and chemicals. Another reason is a copy error in your DNA.

What song is played while lowering the US flag?

The bugle call that accompanies the daily lowering of the flag on a US military base is called 'Retreat'.

Why did Billy Joel include the Watergate scandel in his song called you didnt start the fire?

The Watergate Scandal was a defining action in the history of the US. This song is about the things that have happened in the recent history of the USA that should call us to pay attention and take action.

When was About Us - song - created?

About Us - song - was created on 2006-06-13.

When was Call Us What You Want But Don't Call Us in the Morning created?

Call Us What You Want But Don't Call Us in the Morning was created on 2000-12-12.

Who led warships into Edo Harbor to convince Japan to trade with the US?

The person that did this was named Matthew Perry. This answer was taken from my social studies Call to Freedom book.

When was Look at Us - song - created?

Look at Us - song - was created in 1990-11.


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Does an illegal who is married to a US citizen pregnant and in process of receiving permanent papers qualify for Medicaid or other assistance?

Call the local social services office and ask them.