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The song is by The Non-Commissioned Officers out of Nashville Tennessee. You can download the song now at, and it will be on iTunes by Nov. 10th. Any relation to the band The Dots is also valid because two of the lead songwriters for The Non-Coms also write Commercial Jingles and due to a miscommunication the song was labeled as "The Dots" but is actually The Non-Coms.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 17y ago

The song is "Diamonds and Guns" by Transplants

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βˆ™ 15y ago

the klaxons- golden skans the klaxons- golden skans the klaxons- golden skans

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βˆ™ 15y ago

It is diamond and guns by the transplants

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Erasure- Always

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Q: What song is in the Garnier Fructis Anti-Dandruff Shampoo commercial with the monkey?
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Who is the blonde in the new Garnier Fructis Volume Extend Dry Shampoo commercial?

Merethe Hopland

Is the dry shampoo garnier fructis good?

Garnier Fructis triple nutrition fortifying hair shampoo claims that it fortifies and infuses with nutrients for silky hair, full of life.

How do you spell garmy shampoo?

The word sought may be the brand name Garnier (e.g. Garnier Fructis), marketed by L'Oreal.

When was garnier fructis shampoo created?

It was actually created in the year 1968.

Is there floor wax cleaner in garnier fructis sleek and shine shampoo?

No there isnt

Where can I get Garnier Fructis coupons?

Garnier Fructis shampoo is easily found in a number of stores. Most grocery stores, drugstores and mass merchandise stores such as Target carry this shampoo. It is also available online at Amazon.

What shampoo is best for your hair?

I think it is a matter of personal prefference. I have always found Fructis by Garnier to be best for MY hair.

Who is the male model in Garnier Fructis Anti-Dandruff Shampoo commercial?

His name is Kelly Rippy. He is the most beautiful man alive. If can't get enough of him, he's on (although he is fully clothed on that site).

What products does china anne mcclain use?

garnier fructis,olive oil hairspraydark and lovely shampoo,and dream kids relaxer

Who is child actress in garnier fructis shampoo plus oil advertisement?

The girl kid in the old Garnier add is Tanya But the Awesome Male in new one is Monish, He is a rock star!!!

What's a good brand of a shampoo bottle?

The gentlest shampoo is Matrix Biolage Fortifying Shampoo. Tresseme Moisture Shampoo and Garnier Fructis Shampoo are the best all around buy. The best salon shampoo brands are by Marc Anthony and Nexxus.

Who is lady doing the commercial for Garnier shampoo?

Samantha mathis