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Nightshift by The Commodores

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Q: What song includes the lyrics 'Marvin you were a friend of mine'?
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What actors and actresses appeared in Friend of Mine - 2004?

The cast of Friend of Mine - 2004 includes: Muna Obiekwe Clem Ohameze

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The cast of Friend of Mine 2 - 2004 includes: Muna Obiekwe Clem Ohameze

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The cast of Best Friend of Mine - 2012 includes: Mark Crook as Charlie Emma Lambie as Wendy

What song has the lyrics take you away to that special place?

Guns and Roses' song, "Sweet Child Of Mine" includes the lyrics: "Now and then when I see her face It takes me away to that special place."

What are song titles from the lyrics I heard you let that little friend of mine take off your party dress?

Its Allison by elivis costello- great song

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The cast of Your Boy and Mine - 1917 includes: Elwood Bredell William Dyer Harry Mann Grace Marvin Lincoln Stedman Hal Wilson Lydia Yeamans Titus

What colour is Marvin's hoodie from jls?

Marvin is green Aston is blue Jb is yellow and Oritse is red :)His colour is green.

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It was a Sunday. I remember this vividly because I was in the Navy walking across the parking lot and a friend of mine yelled out to me "Marvin Gaye is dead." I thought it was an April Fools joke.

Who wrote lyrics for These Arms of Mine?

Otis Redding is the author of the lyrics for the song called, "these arms of mine" this song is available for purchase at the iTunes Store if interested.

When was You're a Friend of Mine created?

You're a Friend of Mine was created in 1985.