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Party like a rock star is song by the Shop Boyz. They have several other songs, bu this song is most popular than the rest of the songs that they have made. They play this song on many radio station than any other.

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13y ago
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13y ago

This song is by Cuban rapper Pitbull ... from the album Boatlift.

There is another version also by jump smokers ft. pitbull.

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15y ago

Okay , the real lyrics are " Party like a rockstar hit a bunch of strip bars"

JT Experience sings this song.

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The Shop Boys

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Rockstar Mentality - Shop Boyz

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shop boys

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Q: What song goes party like a rock star hit a bunch of strip clubs?
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Do strip clubs close?

Yes. It depends on the location but usually they close before 6am ..and it that matter they usually open after 3pm. I do not exclude the possibility that there are clubs open 24/7 but it will be in some really busy entertaining location.It also depends on the state laws ans local and city laws. Strip clubs do close, especially if they serve liqour. In the United States, most clubs stay open between 2 am and 6am. Legally, clubs must close because of the laws in their city. This also goes for clubs in Las Vegas. In the Midwest times can be different from club to club. To get a good idea of what times clubs close, check out the Chicago Strip Club List. For example, Scores in Chicago closes at 4am but right down the street in a neighboring community, clubs may have to close at 2am. It really depends on the municipality. Hope this helps

Why cant your husband stay out of stip clubs?

I am a husband who goes to strip clubs every now and then (approx. every 3 months). I can tell that going relieves me from a need to visually see other female bodies, and to get the feeling that my wife is not interest in getting me. EG. Women in general have less sexual interests than men, and that explains why there a a lot more strip clubs for males than there are (if any) for females. Hey, if your wife will not cooperate, but in all other fields of the relationship she is excellent, why not fill in the gap, without really cheating.

Why does a husband go to strip club instead of being with his wife?

It depends how often he goes. Some men enjoy going to strip clubs with their male friends, but generally it's innocent fun. The strippers (I prefer the word 'exotic dancers') often are single mothers that need the money and are not there to look for a date. They also have bodyguards in case some of the men in the audience get out of hand. Shock him one night and ask him if you can come along. If he refuses and he's constantly at strip clubs and never asks you out for dinner or dancing then it's time you started to communicate your feelings to him about his actions. Let him know if he'd rather hang out at strip clubs all the time then he can stay there! You might remind him that since he finds it so much fun you are going out with girlfriends to a male strip club! That should get his jockies in an uproar!

A goes to the party if B goes B goes to the party if C goes C goes to the party if D goes Totally how man?

It's not so much a party as a bowl of alphabet soup.Yea no

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The Brady Bunch - 1969 What Goes Up--- 2-11 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G

Where Miley Cyrus go out at night?

At night Miley goes to strip clubs with her friends, the strippers love her so much that they ask her to come up on stage and strip with them! Miley gets so exited she ripes off her shirt pants underwere and bra!!! Then pushes the strippers off stage and pole dances! Dont look up to her! She Sucks! ps she does DRUGS!!!