Some of their most well known songs include Dam*it, most of Josie, What's My Age Again, Adam's Song, Going Away To College, The Rock Show, Every Time I Look For You, most of Man Overboard, chorus of Feeling This. This should get you started...
Tom Delonge :]
All I can tell you is that his parents divorced when he was young and he found that quite hard, which is why he wrote the blink-182 song Stay Together For The Kids
They're a similar genre and I believe that it is sung by a different singer than the recent AAR songs. That singer had a similar sounding voice to Tom DeLonge of blink-182
Haha, no. That is Miley Cyrus. But.. Blink 182 do have a song called 10 things I hate about you.
Tom Delonge was a friend of Mark's younger sister Anne back in highschool, he kept telling her he wanted to form a band. So then Anne introduced him to Mark who was also dying to start a band. Mark tried to impress Tom the first time they met by climbing a light post in front of his house and jumped off, and ended up breaking both his ankles. After that the two started playing together and hit it off great, then they invited Scott Raynor to join the band because Tom had known him from a battle of the bands competition. But as we all know back in 97' he was replaced by Travis Barker. So the real founder is actually Tom. He even says it that he formed the band in many videos and biographies about blink 182.
Thomas Mathew Delonge (Tom Delonge) A.K.A Guitarist/singer
Tom delonge from Blink-182
Blink-182's lead singer is tom delonge, but some people think it is mark hoppous and tom delonge.
No, Blink-182 does not play sing the song Seasons In The Sun. here is a list of there songs.
Tom Delonge.
Tom Delonge.
Tom Delonge :]
Tom DeLonge and Mark Hoppus
TRAVIS BARKER!!!!! But its really Tom Delonge
Blink-182 is an American pop punk band, they formed in 1992. The members of 2011 are, Tom DeLonge Mark Hoppus Travis Barker.
Yes, you can hear and see Blink 182 sing on Youtube.
No, Blink 182 does not sing It's All Right Here. The only song that I have found called It's All Right Here is by Miley Cyrus.