Obie Trice is 5' 8".
Obie Trice goes by O.
12 Million
Snitch by Obie Trice
Got some teeth Obie Trice
Obie Trice's birth name is Obie Trice III.
Obie Trice is 5' 8".
"It Couldn't Be Me" by Power of Zeus
Obie Trice goes by O.
Obie Trice was born on November 14, 1977.
Obie Trice was born on November 14, 1977.
Obie Trice is 35 years old (birthdate: November 14, 1977).
Special Reserve - Obie Trice album - was created in 1997.
Obie Trice isnt in d12, but is signed to shady records. He has a daughter, but i dont think hes married
Obie Trice isnt in d12, but is signed to shady records. He has a daughter, but i dont think hes married
12 Million