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Thriller, and by the way, he turned into a werewolf not a black cat

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Q: What song does Michael Jackson turn into a black cat?
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no he had a skin disorder

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He turned 13 in 1971

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He turned into a werewolf.

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August 29th, 1983

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so nobody knew that is was him who ruined that place he was at and he ruined it because he was so mad about the racism going on

How did Michael Jackson turn the color he is know?

His docor and the medicine is what made him turn a different color. He had something called'' Viliton''. It started with his hands turning a different color and got to his whole body. THANK YOU FOR READING :) :) :) :) :)

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Never, he didn't convert it was a rumour started by the tabloids.

How do people turn white?

By being born that way or to get Vitiligo like Michael Jackson did.