That's simply not possible.
The ability to do anything online requires downloading information. Every website you view to do anything is downloading the information you are seeing before displaying it.
In the case of watching a video you will always be required to download it. Streaming is simply a variation of downloading where you watch the information while it is downloading and than the temporary files you were viewing are removed from your computer when you are done.
If you are not streaming or downloading, you do not have an internet connection and can not do anything online.
SolaR movies has a huge range of movies to watch for free without signing up
You can order it on DVD from
you can watch it on youtube but you might have to watch it in parts
I Player you can watch it on
Yes you can watch them on computer, 'streaming' means that you can watch it online without downloading it to your hard drive.
Yes, YouTube is considered a streaming platform where users can watch videos online without downloading them.
You can watch it on your computer from a website without having to download it.
Find a site that shows the movie in "streaming" form. Netflix is a good place to start.
The general term for such things is "streaming", meaning that it is played before it is entirely finished downloading. For example, YouTube videos are also streamed to users. In both cases, the files are actually downloaded to your computer in a temporary folder, you just don't need to wait for them to finish downloading before you can watch/listen to them.
there are sites like:,, there you can watch series and some movies that is called streaming. if you want to watch more movies go to they have got a modified search. u can watch it without downloading