Buck Owens sang duets with Rose Maddox in the early 60's and with Susan Raye in 1970.
The only weird name, big time duet singers of the 90's that come to mind is Peabo Bryson. In which case the African American female singer you are thinking of is Regina Belle. They did the "Alladin" duet. Again, just the first "odd" name that came to mind.
HAL WAYNE sang the song "Who's gonna sing the harmony (A tribute to Don Rich) the label is COUNTRY SHOWCASE AMERICA label number CSA-154A. The year was 1974 in the tune of a Buck Owens song. Hal actually sounds like Buck's son "Buddy Alan" in the song. This is not an easy find record!
elkie brooks
The song called Dilemma has been released since the year 2002. It was a duet of the R&B singer Kelly Rowland. It was a very popular hit for the year that Nelly is remembered for.
guy mitchell
Buck Owens.
To my knowledge, Dianne Reeves was the other singer in the duet.
Etta James
The four finalists were: - Matt Cardle (sang a duet with Rihanna) - Rebecca Ferguson (sang a duet with Christina Augilera) - One Direction (sang a duet with Robbie Williams) - Cher Lloyd (sang a duet with Will.I.Am)
They sang a duet
Oh, dude, like, no way! Buck Owens didn't stutter, man. He was smooth as butter when he sang those country tunes. Stuttering and twangy country vocals don't really go hand in hand, you know what I mean?
Run DMC sang Walk This Way with Aerosmith.
He sang a beautiful duet with Siouxie named Interlude. He also sang "I Know It's Gonna Happen Someday" as a duet with David Bowie live a couple times on Bowie's tour.
Eddie Rabbit and Crystal Gale
Brian McKnight/Vanessa Williams
Kitty White