On the third day of the journey after they left Beorn's home on the way to Mirkwood, as the light faded Bilbo thought he saw away to the right, or to the left, the shadowy form of a great bear prowling along in the same direction. This was Beorn in his bear-form, following the Company to ensure his ponies were safe and treated respectfully.
The Took genes, huh? Well they created in Bilbo a certain sense of curiousity, and a love of adventure. It was that sense of adventure that finally got Bilbo to go along with the dwarves on their journey to Smaug's Mountain.
He cannot be mistaken for a dwarf, as he does not have a beard.
Dwalin son of Fundin is Balin's brother, one of the dwarves who accompany Bilbo on his journey.
Because during the unexpected party, Thorin promised Bilbo 1/14th payment of the treasure in return for Bilbo's services as a 'thief'. Though Bilbo did not do much in the way of being a thief, he did save the dwarves from Thranduil, as well as help them gain entrance into the mountain. They also wanted him on the journey because it would have been unlucky to take on their journey with 13 members. At the end of their adventures, Bilbo had obviously earned his 1/14th share, so Thorin fulfilled his promise and sent Bilbo home with a chest of treasure (though it is hinted later on in LotR that Bilbo ended up receiving more).
That was the agreement when they hired Bilbo to go with them as a burglar. Bilbo carried the letter with him throughout the journey: Terms: cash on delivery, up to and not exceeding one fourteenth of total profits (if any); all traveling expenses guaranteed in any event; funeral expenses to be defrayed by us or our representatives, if occasion arises and the matter is not otherwise arranged for.
he was scared
Bilbo was entitled to 1/14th of the hoard based on his agreement with Thorin for joining them on the journey.
Bilbo is surprised the next morning to find that the dwarves have left without him, as they had planned to depart on their journey to reclaim the Lonely Mountain. Bilbo then decides to catch up with them and embark on the adventure.
In The Hobbit, protagonist Bilbo Baggins returns to his home The Shire by himself.
In 'The Hobbit' Bilbo puts the shirt on, though he thinks he may look foolish. He wears it for the rest of the story. --- In 'The Lord of the Rings,' Bilbo gives the shirt to Frodo to wear on his journey to Mount Doom.
The Took genes, huh? Well they created in Bilbo a certain sense of curiousity, and a love of adventure. It was that sense of adventure that finally got Bilbo to go along with the dwarves on their journey to Smaug's Mountain.
He cannot be mistaken for a dwarf, as he does not have a beard.
Dwalin son of Fundin is Balin's brother, one of the dwarves who accompany Bilbo on his journey.
Bilbo is hired by 13 dwarves as a thief or burglar, as well as to make the party 14 rather than 13.
Yes , The Hobbit : An Unexpected Journey (2012) , it features Bilbo on a journey with 13 others it is set before Lord of the Rings
Though he is treated like royalty with the dwarves since the towns people believe they came to set peace to their old home, Bilbo isn't as happy as the dwarves are. He is afraid of the journey ahead with Smaug. Bilbo is also sick. (Page 198)