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Season 1, Episode 13. She plays Marianne McDonald.

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Q: What season of queer as folk features Angela asher?
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In Queer as Folk what season and Episode did Ted and Emmett get together?

season 2, ep 220

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Season 1 Episode 5 - 29:12

Was 'Queer Eye for the Straight Guy' canceled?

I think the new season just started.

In queer as folk did Justin die?

Justin did not die during Queer as Folk. He was in a coma following the bashing at the end of Season 1, but he woke up shortly after.

Who wants to find queer as folk season 3 episode 11 online?

I can't find it anywhere!

Is there a 6th season on queer as folk?

No, there is just 5 seasons. There are 3 books though that act as prequels.

How do you use Queer in a sentence?

Queer, like, wierd queer? That would be "That's a queer drawing!" Or queer, like, gay queer? "You're really queer!"

Who is susan's new husband in desperate housewives?

He is a new character to the show and is signed on for season 5. He apparently has a big secret and is played by Gale Harold from 'Queer as Folk' He is a new character to the show and is signed on for season 5. He apparently has a big secret and is played by Gale Harold from 'Queer as Folk'

Which episode and which season in queer as folk did Justin cheat on Brian and Micheal found out?

Season 2, episode 19, about 15 minutes in, Michael sees Justin kissing Ethan on the street.

How is the word queer pronounced?

queer = /kwi:r/

When did Brian from Queer as Folk get AIDS?

Brian never gets AIDS. He does have testicular cancer in season 4. (He is diagnosed in 406). This may be what you were thinking of.