In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Dudley became a student of Smeltings.
Alex Dudley goes by Subbes.
Dudley Hendricks is 6' 3".
Dudley Slausson's birth name is Dudley R. Slauson.
Dudley Fortescue was born in 1820.
Dudley Dursley.
Vernon, Petunia, and Dudley.
No, this only happened in the movie.
Dudley Dursley said to Harry, unexpectedly, "I don't think you're a waste of space."
Dudley Dursely's school sent a letter home saying that the school no longer stocked clothes in his size. Petunia then put the whole family on a strict diet. Harry, who was always given less to eat anyway, then appealed to his friends to send him food.
Castle High School - Dudley - was created in 1989.
Dudley Boys Grammar School ended in 1975.
Dudley Girls High School was created in 1910.
Dudley Girls High School ended in 1975.
Dudley Moore went by Cuddly Dudley, and The Sex Thimble.
Carl Dudley went by Duke.
Alex Dudley goes by Subbes.
Jeanette Dudley goes by Janet, and Jean.