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Q: What school's letter sweater did Jack Nicholson wear in Easy Rider?
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Which of these Jack Nicholson movies was released first?

PCH=Easy Rider.

What kind of helmet was Jack Nicholson wearing in easy rider?

North Dakota

Who starred in easy Rider and Speed?

Dennis Hopper & Jack Nicholson starred with Peter Fonda in "Easy Rider."

What sunglasses is Jack nicholson wearing in easy rider?

"With my glasses on, I'm Jack Nicholson. Without them, I'm fat and seventy." -Jack Nicholson

What is the full title of the classic film Easy?

Easy Rider: 1969 film with Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper, Jack Nicholson

Did Jack Nicholson get an Oscar nomination for Easy Rider?

Yes. Nicholson's brief but memorable turn as doomed attorney George Hanson earned him a 1969 nomination for Best Supporting Actor. It was the first of his 12 Oscar nods, the most ever received by an actor.

Why did Jack Nicholson get the part in Easy Rider?

A spot opened up in Fonda and Hopper's Easy Rider, it led to his first big acting break. Nicholson played hard-drinking lawyer George Hanson, for which he received his first Oscar nomination. The part of Hanson was a lucky break for Nicholson-the role had in fact been written for actor Rip Torn, who was a close friend of screen writer Terry Southern, but Torn withdrew from the project after a bitter argument with the film's director Dennis Hopper, during which the two men almost came to blows.[11]

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How do you shrink the blob on free rider 2?

You press the letter Z.

What movies does jack nicholson die in?

A few movies come to mind: "Easy Rider," "One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest," "The Passenger," "The Shining," "Prizzi's Honor, " "Batman," "Hoffa," "The Departed" and "The Bucket List."

In a indor your outdoor riding schools who has right of way?

Whoever is receiving the lesson/being instructed or who is a more advanced rider.