Not rated. The movie doesn't have a rating.
its rated pg and its a good movie
The movie is rated R.
it was rated a 4.4
its a movie:)
it is rated X and the whole movie is full of naked people
it is rated r because it has vilonce , drugs ,bad language ,and sex
yes. many. its rated R
Not rated. The movie doesn't have a rating.
Cameron Diaz, and Justin timberlake that's all I know
The Martian should be rated R because it had too much bad words.
It hasn't been announced yet. My guess is that it will come out 4 months after the movie can no longer be seen in theatres.
No, not really. Not if they are under 17, anyway. Cameron Diaz says many inapproiate things, and it is rated R.
The duration of Bad Teacher is 1.53 hours.
it is rated pg-13 for for mild language and drug references.