I think they use Adobe flash CS 5 or 4 ^^
you can download this software for free
The movie, "Servitude", can be downloaded using a torrent program. One can use the torrent program, Utorrent, to download all sorts of movies like "Servitude".
Yes as long as it's for your personal use and you don't make money on it.
no Michael Jackson did not use any of the moves from the movie Greece they were all his own dance moves
No, a movie projector uses a convex lens.
They will be ready when you need to use them in a safe place. Asdf. They will be ready when you need to use them in a safe place. Asdf. They will be ready when you need to use them in a safe place. Asdf. They will be ready when you need to use them in a safe place. Asdf.
Tomska doesn't use a software to make asdf Edd Gould animated all of his cartoons... R.I.P Edd 1988-2012 (short answer I dunno)
No online program has the ability to make a movie online for kingdom hearts, you must download a program and use it onyour software.
You can use Microsoft Live Movie Maker, you can post it right off of the program.
Windows Live Movie Maker.
Windows Movie Maker. You can add effect, transitions, music, and more.More Info: Windows movie maker is a windows software program. It is very easy to use. But it is not much functional and featured. If you want to make your photos movie more good than you can use Ulead Video Studio 11 it is a good program to make movies of photos and other type of movie.
You can't make the music go backwards in Windows Movie Maker.If it is already recorded backwards and is in the correct format for use in the program, then you can import and use it. Otherwise, there is no feature for reversing audio.Sorry :(
they used flash. that's what tom said!
You can use a lot of like Windows Live Movie Maker, Windows Movie Maker 2.0, And VideoPad Video Editor, top 3 easiest to use.
Armin what program you use to make that music ?
To make a stop animation movie make thousands of picture files and put themin movie maker and make their durations as short as possible, add sounds, voices and more if you want and it will work.
yes! you can ue a song for a video if you have a program that will do it for you. one program you can use is Windows Movie Maker, witch is on windows PCs'.