a position you don't need to know
Grace Robertson's birth name is Grace F. Robertson.
Robertson Hare's birth name is John Robertson Hare.
Cliff Robertson married to Cynthia Stone from 1957 to 1959 Cliff Robertson married to Dina Merrill from 1966 to 1989
Randy Rogers Band was created in 2000.
Oscar Robertson's birth name is Oscar Palmer Robertson.
Oscar Robertson is 6' 5".
Oscar Robertson was born on November 24, 1938.
Oscar Robertson was born on November 24, 1938.
Oscar Robertson Trophy was created in 1959.
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Oscar Ovies goes by The alpha male.
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did Oscar Robertson graduate from UC
Oscar Robertson
ESPN SportsCentury - 1999 Oscar Robertson was released on: USA: 16 June 2003
He isn't dead. He is 70.