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Abnormal electrical patterns

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Q: What pattern will show on ecg after sudden cardiac arrest?
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What type of pattern will electro-cardiogram show for sudden cardiac arrest?

In sudden cardiac arrest elctro-cardiogram will show two types of patterns. One is straight line indicating that heart is stopped. Second is small vibration like pattern indicating ventricular fibrillation. You have to give intracardiac adrenaline in first and direct current shock in second.

Cardiac arrest is the same heart attract?

No, they are not the same (I have given the definitions of both below; this should help you know what each is and what is the difference between the two). Heart attack: Is caused when there is a blockage in the main arteries (coronary arteries) of the heart. Cardiac Arrest: occurs when the heart suddenly stops beating. Sorry, but Cardiac Arrest does not usually occur when the heart "suddenly" stops beating. Cardiac arrest is the worst manifestation of cardiac compromise from an acute coronary event. It happens for a number of reasons, for example if a person has had extensive bleeding and there's not enough blood within the body for the heart to pump, or when the pumping action of the heart becomes ineffective. Maybe the electrical impulses have been disrupted or the heart is not responding properly to the electrical impulses and is "twitching", most commonly known as ventricular fibrillation. That's where CPR and Automated External Defibrillation come in. If cardiac arrest occurred when the heart "suddenly stopped beating" CPR and AED's would be mostly ineffective. Time is of essence. CPR needs to be started w/in 10 minutes of the fibrillation attack/cardiac arrest, or chances are it will be too late for resuscitation. Severe brain and heart damage will have occurred by that point. Cardiac arrest victims are sometimes said to have suffered "sudden death" but that means that the patient died within one hour of the onset of the signs and symptoms. In "sudden death" autopsies typically show the patient did not really have an actual cardiac arrest but usually had significant artherosclerotic heart disease

What does bupropion show up as on a drug test?

No, not on a standard drug test. No job or hospital will be checking for suboxone since it is an expensive test. There are mostly 12 panal drug tests, and suboxone is not one they look for. Only your suboxone appointed doctor will be checking to be sure you are not selling the subs. No worries.

Does an arrest show up on a CRB check?

Yes, an arrest may show up on a Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check if there are criminal charges associated with the arrest. However, the presence of an arrest on a CRB check does not necessarily imply guilt or a criminal conviction.

Pending misdemenor charge will it show up?

If it involved your arrest, yes, there will be a record of your arrest.

What are the release dates for The Orlando Jones Show - 2003 House Arrest?

The Orlando Jones Show - 2003 House Arrest was released on: USA: 2003

What type of muscle show rythemic contraction?

Cardiac muscles.

If charges are dropped after 90 days of probation does it still show up on a background check?

If there was an arrest, yes, undeniably. And, if there were charges, there was an arrest.

Do they need to show you the warrant at the time of the arrest?

No, not necessarily. The authorities are already legally "armed" with the power of arrest - they don't have to show you anything extra to prove that they have the power to arrest you. You will be advised at your first appearance before ocurt

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They issue a warrent for your arrest

When do you know if you are actually arrested?

An officer or person making an arrest must state the fact and serve the arrest warrant. Unless they tell you that it is an arrest and show you that piece of paper, you are only being "detained".

What are the release dates for The Andy Griffith Show - 1960 Citizen's Arrest 4-11?

The Andy Griffith Show - 1960 Citizen's Arrest 4-11 was released on: USA: 16 December 1963