Chapter eleven is where all 24 tributes are standing on the pedestals in the arena waiting for the gong to sound to begin the Hunger Games. Katniss runs into the forest, and finds herself a tree to say at for a while, and then she hears Peeta and the career tributes below her working together.
Rue was from District 11 in the Hunger Games.
24 :-* lmfaoo I'm reading this book <3
Peeta confess his undying love for Katniss, which from then on gets them known as the starcrossed lovers, and in this chapter the tributes are also transported to the arena.
Thresh is another tribute in the first hunger games Katniss takes part in. He is from the same district as Rue which is (I think) district 11.
Read it
The characters Cato (District 2), Glimmer (District 1) and Rue (District 11) are introduced in chapter 13.
The gamemakers made the forest fire to divert Katniss from the edge of the arena.
Chapter eleven is where all 24 tributes are standing on the pedestals in the arena waiting for the gong to sound to begin the Hunger Games. Katniss runs into the forest, and finds herself a tree to say at for a while, and then she hears Peeta and the career tributes below her working together.
He was the boy tribute from District 11 in the Seventy-fourth Hunger Games.
Well, honey, in chapter 15 of the Hunger Games, there are technically 6 tributes left. But let's be real here, with all the drama and backstabbing going on, who knows how many will make it out alive by the end of the book. Just grab some popcorn and enjoy the show, darling.
Rue was from District 11 in the Hunger Games.
She's from District 11.
There is no chapter on page 199 in A Wrinkle In Time..... At least in the newer versions of the book..... In the old version you must be thinking of chapter 11, Aunt Beast.