Valentina Guerin goes by Valentina Elizabeth, and Valentina Taylor.
Valentina Cuenca's birth name is Mara Valentina Cuenca Torriz.
Valentina Cortese was born on January 1, 1925.
Valentina Smirnova died on March 27, 2013.
Valentina Mohle is 5' 1".
Valentina Gaylord is Mitch Gaylord's Wife.
Valentina Roth goes by Vale.
Valentina Jensen goes by Val, and V.
Valentina Agius goes by V and Valen.
Valentina Vezzali goes by Cobra, Valeoro, and Vale.
Valentina Tereshkova goes by Valya.
Lynzey Patterson goes by Valentina.
Orla Guerin's parents are Brendan and Brighid Guerin. Brendan Guerin was a renowned journalist and writer in Ireland.
Richie Guerin's birth name is Richard V. Guerin.
Mlle Guerin was born in 1739.
Guerin of Provence died in 845.
Hubert Guerin was born in 1896.