Shawon Dunston's birth name is Shawon Donnell Dunston.
Shawon Dunston is 6' 1".
Shawon Dunston was born on March 21, 1963.
Shawon Dunston was born on March 21, 1963.
Shawon Dunston was born March 21, 1963, in Brooklyn, NY, USA.
Shawon Dunston debuted on April 9, 1985 and played his final game on September 29, 2002.
Shawon Dunston is 6 feet 1 inches tall. He weighs 175 pounds. He bats right and throws right.
shawon dunston
He Hasn't 2008 was his first year of Elegibility
Shawon Dunston debuted on April 9, 1985, playing for the Chicago Cubs at Wrigley Field; he played his final game on September 29, 2002, playing for the San Francisco Giants at PacBell Park.
Shawon Dunston played in 7 games at designated hitter for the Cleveland Indians in 1998, starting in none of them. , equivalent to 0 errors per game (estimate based on total games played in).