Sergio Kato's birth name is Sergio Luiz Pereira.
Giovanni Ciccia goes by Giovo.
Orianthi goes by Ori.
Avicii goes by Avicii.
Danalee goes by Dane.
Sergio Abreu goes by Sergio Abreu.
Sergio Corbucci went by The other Sergio.
Sergio Neuspiller goes by Craneo.
Sergio Malheiros goes by Serginho.
Sergio Coronado goes by Serg.
Sergio Bruna goes by Shrek.
Sergio Molay goes by Serg.
Sergio Grdina goes by Serg.
Sergio Volpini goes by Ottusangolo.
Sergio Livingstone went by Sapo, and Sapito.
Sergio Arau goes by El Uyuyuy.
Sergio Kardenas goes by Serge, and Spidey.