Raoul Bova is 5' 11".
Raoul Bova was born on August 14, 1971.
Raoul Bova was born on August 14, 1971.
Raoul Bova is 45 years old (birthdate: August 14, 1971).
Raoul Walsh went by Uncle.
Raoul Juneja goes by Deejay Ra.
The cast of Angeli - 2013 includes: Marco Bonini as Cesare Raoul Bova as Claudio Vanessa Incontrada Alessandro Spadorcia
The cast of Derek Rocco Barnabei - 2010 includes: Raoul Bova Pierfrancesco Favino Laura Morante Claudio Santamaria
Ben Bova's birth name is Benjamin William Bova.
The cast of Le invasioni barbariche - 2004 includes: Daria Bignardi as Herself - Host Raoul Bova as herself Simona Ventura as herself
bova has written: 'first contact'
The population of Bova Marina is 3,870.